Live Your Best Life Now

Are you ready to ignite your inner warrior & crush your fitness goals?


Are you in the market for some much needed motivation? Look no further than Jessica Nelson. Jessica has countless years of experience in the fitness industry. She take pride in educating those with proper form, exceeding expectations from her clients growth and a genuine passion in assisting others accomplish their goals in and out of the gym.

Jennifer Jones

She is awesome! Continually is tweaking my program to maximize results. Very personable and knowledgeable. She truly cares about wanting to help me improve each day! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!

Greg Nelson

I originally hired Jess to work with my 21 year old daughter so she would be in peak condition for her senior season at Edinboro. Go Fighting Scots women’s soccer! Covid happened and my daughter and I were both stuck at home. Talk about turning a bad situation into an opportunity. I am 51 years old and now easily get myself into the 20+ range with my pull-ups! It used to be how much I could lift. Now it is about How I lift, what to lift and most importantly!! What I eat. Thank you Jess from my daughter and myself!

Marissa Shields

Jess is the absolute best! I had never exercised regularly before I met her and I hated exercise of any kind. But I decided to commit to seeing her once and I loved it so much I couldn’t stop coming back! I’ve been working out regularly for about two months now and I already feel so much more confident in myself and my skills. I’ve grown much stronger, and the me of a few months ago would never believe that I could do a hundred squats or press 60lbs. Jess is awesome at teaching correct form and gently encouraging me to push myself without the drill instructor screaming some trainers seem to love. She’s so passionate and enthusiastic about working out and health that it’s contagious, and she makes working out FUN!! I would highly recommend her to anyone looking to make a change in their lives and start becoming healthier. Meet Jess once, and you’ll be inspired to stick with it 🙂

Rachel Tilley

I’ve never been one for the gym or trainers who kill you after the first few sessions and us beginners don’t want to come back! Enter Jess and JessGenix. After our first session I knew I found the right fit. She taught me HOW to lift and what muscle groups I was working and when to work them. She can motivate you to do so much more than you think you can do. After a few sessions I was picking up heavier weights and concentrating on form and found out I actually like working out more than I thought I did. This is her passion and it shows. She motivates, educates and makes you feel strong! If you are thinking about starting a new journey get with Jess TODAY! You will not regret it!

Jami Comer

Jess is one of the most incredible women that I have had the pleasure of meeting! From her work ethic to her passion of wanting to help people reach their body goals. I have been working out for 10+ years trying every type of workout program to diet plan and still hadn’t found a program that worked for me. Jess reached out and offered joining her 21 Day SWIM challenge to keep those pounds off during the holidays. I was happy to join! Coming from someone who struggles with maintaining motivation, Jess’ program was a game changer. Her passion really showed during this program as she help me and the others realize that every body is different and needs to be tailored rather than a “one size fits all.” In the short time she helped me understand that not only do you not need to spend hours in the gym doing cardio, but also helped changed my mindset on eating. We are not all perfect, sometimes we have healthy days sometimes we have days enjoying an over abundance of food with our love ones. Both are okay! She really helps motivate you and has created a program that makes exercising fun! Whether you are a beginner or a 10+ year old gym veteran like myself, Jess will open your mind to the over all importance of physical and mental health and get you that much closer to your dream body! You will be surprised with how easy with her consistent support and wealth of knowledge quickly gets you to achieving your goals!

Halie M. Clegg

Jess has inspired me to take better care of myself which I never really did before. ‘Health is indeed Wealth’ and I am so grateful for her guidance, enthusiasm and raw energy which definitely rubs off on you. Because of Jess I joined a local gym but that’s just the start. JessGenix shows you techniques that work. Little things that can make all the difference. Posture, breathing, diet, variety of exercises. Unless you want to invest in your own Personal Trainer, JessGenix is the next best thing for the gym and at home workouts. Period.

Warren Abis

Jessica has a great way of showing other’s what it takes to remain discipled in all areas of life not just fitness. She always manages to comes up with ways to make you feel good about yourself and to inspire your family as well. My teenage son always looks forward to her workouts and meal plan suggestions. Sometimes we think she’s crazy, but that is just her fun way of showing us that simple changes to our daily routines can make a big difference.

Michael Secker

She truly cares about others and wants the best for everyone. Jess is relationship driven and is a master motivator. I have always been active and healthy, but Jess has taught me tons about the importance of nutrition and exercise in my daily life. I am thankful for our friendship and I am excited for her and all the good she will do for others through JessGenix!

Brad Baker

Jessica and JessGenix has had in impact on me as a professional and inspirational influencer in many ways. Business can be conducted in 1's & 0's but Jess impact on my health and well being is beyond something that can be measured. Jessica is a very special person in many ways and I am very excited to see her grow and share her talents that will have an impact in ways that can change the world!

Todd Coughlin

    "Your mind will give up before body will,
    except if you try to eat something
    bigger than your ass."

    Jessica Nelson, The Genix Life Creator


    Hello fellow Badasses! I am Jessica Nelson…

    I’m a full time health freak, feel good behavior expert, speaker, lover, adventurer, and the founder and CEO of JessGenix. I am on a mission to help others live the most EPIC life ever and discover what it means to be truly happy & healthy.  Like you, I’ve spent most of my life trying to figure out how to balance life AND be healthy.  Now it’s my turn to help you!

    I have spent the last 35 years in the gym, thinking I was healthy. Sometimes I was; sometimes I had it all together, but most of the time I just couldn’t maintain. Keeping up with life can be overwhelming, and I gave up, a lot.

    But I had to ask myself some hard questions to figure it all out.  Questions like, What does healthy mean to me?  Why do I want to feel healthy?  How bad do I want it?  The problem was, I waited way too long to really answer these, because I didn’t want to ask for help.

    Then, at the age of 42, I found myself in the messy parts of life. Countless times throughout college, my professional career, having my four children and trying every diet & exercise program on the market, I still only found temporary results or no results at all.  This led me to massive frustration, lack of motivation and self doubt.   I was sick of my own excuses.  My anxiety to find a solution led me into the black hole of prescription drugs. These gave me a temporary break from the insanity of balancing life.  My breaking point finally came when I almost crashed my car with my 3 year old in the back seat.  I was DONE.

    That event forced me to look inside and really do the work to find out what it means to live a truly healthy life mentally and physically. Not only find it but live it, everyday, no more excuses.

    The good news is, I studied extensively for years and finally discovered the secret sauce for long lasting results.

    My discovery is simple and it works.  At the age of 50 I am in the best shape of my life, and finally feel free of my own self sabotage.  I’ve adopted the values of love, passion, dedication, adventure and healthy well-being, and I live by them every day.  

    It is now my mission to help people all over the world find the happy, healthy & abundant life they have always dreamed about. Y’all, I AM DOING IT! It isn’t easy every day, and I am not perfect. You won’t be either, but together I can promise you if you stick with me, and do the work for yourself, you will have long lasting results. 

    Feel free and join me on this fun journey.

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